A smart and appropriate napkin design can give the finishing touch to tables at an anniversary meal.

Many anniversaries have traditional themes. One set is shown below:

1st Paper
2nd Cotton
3rd Leather
4th Linen
5th Wood
6th Iron
7th Copper
8th Bronze
9th Pottery
10th Aluminium
11th Steel
12th Silk
13th Lace
14th Ivory
15th Crystal
20th China
25th Silver
30th Pearl
35th Coral
40th Ruby
45th Sapphire
50th Gold
55th Emerald
60th Diamond
70th Platinum
80th Oak
90th Stone
100th Centennial
200th Bicentennial
300th Tercentennial

Tango (page 42)

Created by Luigi to celebrate his Ruby Wedding Anniversary to his wife Hazel. It represents an embraced couple dancing a sensual Argentinean tango.

Please note, however, that different countries, regions and peoples might use different names for particular anniversaries.